Thursday, August 20, 2009


We went to ZooAmerica on Tuesday morning. It was already getting hot, so some of the animals were either hiding or sleeping in the shade. The bears had a nice pool stocked with fish, which I thought was pretty cool. There was a place where people could watch the bears swimming in the water. In fact, one of the bears swam right up to the glass, but, of course, there wasn't a spot over there for me to get a shot. (People who don't give other people a chance to experience things like that up close annoy me.)

One day I'd like to take my DSLR to places like this. I'm glad I didn't do it this weekend, though. I was already sweating bullets. I need to get a little case for the camera, though. One came with my Minolta SLR, which was great. I can't imagine lugging around the camera bag I use for my digital stuff in that heat. I could use both lenses and my bounce flash, though. I was even toying around with the idea of bringing the Minolta with me, even though it would mean actually getting the film developed. I miss it sometimes.

While we were away, my sister-in-law told me that my niece Kayla wants to become a photographer now. I thought that was kind of cool. I always toyed with the idea, but I never did anything about it. Maybe for Christmas we can get her a simple digital camera. I've seen a few nice ones for kids. It reminds me of when my godson first got interested. I wonder if takes any pictures beyond the ones for his MySpace now. LOL!

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