Sunday, January 23, 2011

Winter tree

I hadn't intended on going so long without updating this blog.  It's been a busy few months.  We moved into our first home Christmas week.  We're still unpacking, but we've only been home two weekends so far, so the progress is going a  little slowly.

We went to visit my family in Pennsylvania on New Year's weekend.  My mom and I went to a local park to take some pictures.  I took this picture with my Sony DSLR A300.  I take it out as much as I'd like, since it's not a small camera, and a lot of times I like that my Canon Power Shot can just fit in my purse.  I took quite a few pictures that day, so I'll probably post another few sometime soon.  I took some shots of reflections in the icy water that came out pretty nice.  It's something I'd like to experiment with more in the future.