Saturday, February 13, 2010

Wax Museum

Back in 2004, my friend Jessica came to visit me.  We too a day to go to NYC to see Madame Tussauds' Wax Musuem.  I'd never been there, and I'd love to go again. I finally found the disk with my pictures, so I thought I'd post a picture from the museum. This is Albert Einstein, for anyone who doesn't recognize him.  *g*  I was using my first digital camera (which I still have), an Olympus.  

We also went to Rockefeller Center and St. Patrick's Cathedral.  It's almost impossible to get the whole cathedral in the shot, even from across the street.  Maybe next time I should bring my DSLR with me.  We finished off the day by seeing Little Shop of Horrors on Broadway.  I don't think it was out there too long, which was a shame.  I thought it was great.  Then again, I loved the movie.

I was hoping to go visit my parents this weekend and maybe take some pictures of all the snow they had, but between the amount of snow they had affecting the roads and my husband catching a cold, it just didn't happen.  We're going to try again next weekend.  Hopefully some of the snow will be gone so driving around will be easier.