Monday, May 31, 2010

A kind of hiatus...

I meant to post when we first came home, but I haven't really been feeling well.  We went on a family vacation to Walt Disney World for a week.  It was a lot of fun, but it was very hot, 90+ degrees most days we were there.

This picture was taken in Epcot, by the China exhibition.  It's one of my favorite shots.  I think the countries were one of the best parts of Epcot.  (Okay, the Nemo ride was pretty cool, too!)  The fireworks there were really great, and I wish we would have had a better spot to watch them, so I could have gotten pictures or something.  At Magic Kingdom, I was able to take some really nice pictures of the Wishes fireworks.

I took about 600 pictures, so I'm sure I'll be posting more of them eventually.  I'm currently working on a crocheting charity challenge that I've been neglecting since we left for our trip.  I really have to get back to that, since it's over mid-June.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Most of the pictures I took this weekend were from my parents' deck.  I caught this bunny sleeping under the pine tree to the right earlier in the afternoon.  The tree is about halfway across their yard.  There's a crazy amount of rabbits running around my parents' neighborhood over the last few years.  I wonder why that is?

Monday, May 3, 2010

So excited!

I got my new camera in the mail on Friday before I left to visit my parents.  It takes such awesome far away shots.  However, this isn't one of them.  *g*  I was just fooling around with taking pictures of different things on my parents' deck and took this picture of a "wish" stuck in a spider web.

I'll post a few more pictures over the next few days.  I took some nice pictures across my parents' yard, and I was impressed with how they came out.  I can't wait to take this camera away on vacation.  :D