Saturday, August 15, 2009

Trip to Mystic

We took a trip to Mystic, CT this weekend to see Jeff Dunham perform at Mohegan Sun. (He was great, by the way.)

Before we left this morning, we went to the Mystic Aquarium. I'm glad we went early, because by the time we left, it was HOT. One thing that annoys me when we go anywhere during what's close to a tourist season is rude people, ie. people who walk right in front of you when you're trying see a display. I actually had a guy try to crowd me out of the way so he could take a picture at the anemone garden! Are you serious? They're anemones, they're not going anywhere. The most annoying exhibit for me today was the Beluga whales. People were just being...well, browsy (please refer to John Pinette's latest DVD, I'm Starvin' if you don't get my joke there. He's hysterical.), so I couldn't get any decent shots of the whales.

We got to see the Birds of the Outback exhibit, which was new to us. I thought it was mostly parakeets. We did get a millet seed stick to feed the birds, which I didn't do. It's not easy to hold out a millet seed stick and take pictures at the same time. LOL! I did get a few nice pictures of the birds, though, and this is one of them.

We leave for Lancaster, PA tomorrow. We're going to meet my in-laws to go to Hershey, so I'm hoping to get some good pictures at the zoo.

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